The REACH for Your Life Coaching Program is a personalized, systematic process for turning your thoughts and dreams into goals and action. Let us help you REACH your personal and professional goals and give you the life you want and deserve! We will provide the REACH for Your Life structure, support and feedback to turn your dreams into your reality.
- Maximize Personal and Professional Potential
- Professional Assessment
- Support and Encouragement
- Personal Wellness
- Mental Fitness
- Specific Measurable Goal Setting
- GRIT Coaching
The REACH for Your Life Personal Counseling Program guides clients through a process of self-discovery and growth directed toward meeting your personal goals and needs. Our program will assist clients with increasing self-confidence, improving relationships, resolving issues, and ultimately achieving your goals. Clients will also receive the personal guidance to support unique needs for emotional, intellectual, physical, and overall well-being.
- Client Centered, Solution Focused Therapy
- Self-Care
- Stress Management
- Self-Esteem Building
- Anxiety and Depression Management
Excellent! You're interested In investing In the most important person in the world - You!
The most successful people are those who understand the huge benefit of investing in themselves. Coaching/Counseling is an investment that can be returned many times over.
Coaching is for anyone who realizes we all have our own blind spots and can benefit from an experienced set of impartial eyes. We start with a FREE 30-minute Exploratory Session. This gives us an opportunity to explore your interest in coaching, how we “fit” as client and coach, and offers you an experience of life coaching.
Once you decide to move forward with coaching, you choose the best package for you!
A one hour individualized
For this option we recommend
focusing on one specific issue or
area. A great choice for your first step into life coaching.
If you upgrade to a package, the
price of this session is deducted
and this counts as the first session.
This package is designed for people who would like to work on one or two issues such as gaining clarity about direction or a decision, reducing worry and stress, or moving forward with a project or goal.
- Three one hour Coaching/
Counseling sessions in 60 days
- Email support for 60 days
This is the most popular package
and is designed to be enough time
to explore whatever comes up at a
deeper level.
- Six one hour Coaching/
Counseling sessions in 90 days
- Email support for 90 days
The REACH Personality Assessment is specifically designed to reveal aspects of your entire personality spectrum which is unique to you. The information you discover will not only help you learn about yourself, it will also improve your interactions with others. Your personality influences your relationship with family, friends and co-workers and contributes to your overall health and well-being.
Some benefits to learning more about your personality include:
After completing the REACH for Your Life Personality Assessment, you will receive a one-on-one consultation to give you a detailed analysis of your personality assessment. In this session you gain a better understanding of your personality strengths and perceived weaknesses, and establish goals which will help you REACH a more satisfying, fulfilling life.
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